Track & Attribute The Source Of

Every Part Of SaaS
Every SaaS Demo, Call, Sale, Close, Lead, Trials & Conversions
Your best MRR and subscriptions to your software
Long term SaaS revenue, rebills, upgrades and upsales
Lowest churn and longest highing paying customers
ALL your SaaS revenue to exact clicks, journeys, ads and sources
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big graph
widget sales
widget totalltv
widget sales
widget sales

Hyros is used by

We use HYROS because it offers us clear insights.
HYROS stands out. HYROS is a solid choice.

Russel Brunson

Your most important decision making metrics unified in one place

HYROS combines the highest level of ad & AI attribution online with all your business channels to give you a crystal clear path to increase revenue and remove waste

Cutting Edge Attribution

MRR / LTV / Subscription / Churn Focused Tracking

MRR / LTV / Subscription / Churn Focused Tracking

Forecasting Revenue For LTV Based Adversting

Forecasting Revenue
For LTV Based Adversting

DEMO / Call customer deal & pipeline tracking

DEMO / Call customer deal
& pipeline tracking

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In just 6 months allowed us to scale our ad spend by 43% for business mastery and over 100% for unleash the power within. And I can't say how impressed.
I am with HYROS's world class team.

Tony Robbins

The nation's top life and business strategist

Watch How We Scaled A SaaS To 25 Million ARR Using HYROS Metrics

Full Product Demo For SaaS

Let’s focus on what matters

4 ways HYROS instantly increases SaaS revenue


Eliminates all waste and scales ads to CORRECT attribution

Ad platform tracking can CONSISTENTLY be off by as much as 50% or more. This is leads to poor scaling and MASSIVE waste in adspend. HYROS fixes this INSANTLY often increasing ad ROI by 10-15% overnight.

Eliminates all waste and scales ads to CORRECT attribution

SaaS Attribution for Critical Metrics

Specialized attritribution for CRITICAL SaaS marketing metrics like free trials, subscriptions, demos/calls and conversions/mrr/churn of all the above

ACCURATELY Attribute EVERY PART of Your SaaS Marketing


  • Free trials
  • Subscriptions
  • Conversions
  • Long term revenue

Your Deal Flow

  • Calls AND Demos
  • Lead quality
  • Lead stage progress rate
  • Closed deals
  • All revenue, even LONG Closes

Accurate MRR/ARR Prediction

  • Track LTV back to source
  • Predict future LTV
  • Optimized ads on LTV/ARR

Attribute all this BACK to their source.
See the TRUTH. Then optimize for what worked.
Do it more. Make more.

HYROS trains ad platform AIs to target better using this data

HYROS trains ad platform AIs to target better using this data

All the data above is critical to getting the best customers at the cheapest price.

HYROS feeds this data to ad platform AIs so your targeting improves finding your BEST customers CHEAPER.


Use machine learning to get the highest revenue/ARR customers

Takes your current data and uses machine learning to PREDICT your likely LONG term revenue, MRR, ARR and churn BACK to each lead, subscription or call on day 1 so you can buy ads based on ACCURATE future long term revenue and growth

Combine all the above to... Simply... Make more

When you stop waste & improve ad efficency around your CRITICAL metrics and highest spending customers...Your business makes more. Period. The end.

The result:

You run ads far more profitably
You optimize for the most important metrics
You GROW ads at near guaranteed profit based on their long term revenue via forecasting
Your ads PASSIVELY and AUTOMATICALLY become better from AI optimized targeting

Be next.
We can plug you
in today

Book a 5 set up call below. If your ads don’t scale you don’t pay

Unify all channels to see the biggest drivers in MRR/ARR, deal flow quality and churn

Unify all channels to see the biggest drivers in MRR/ARR, deal flow quality and churn Unify all channels to see the biggest drivers in MRR/ARR, deal flow quality and churn

MRR, LTV, Subscription, Churn Focused Tracking

See what source give you the best customers

See what source give you the best customers

HYROS tracks and uses your customers purchases and subscriptions attach data to accurate MRR/ARR/Churn/LTV metrics BACK to the original source for each sale.

See exactly who is paying the most, leaving least, staying longest and GET MORE OF THEM!

Optimize ads around total LTV instead of just demos or initial sales

HYROS uses your past and current billing & behavior data to forecast ACCURATE LTVs for EACH sales that comes into your business.

HYROS then attaches that LTV to the sale AND sources allowing you to buy ads and drive traffic while seeing the revenue your efforts will generate 1-2-6-12-72 months
from now!

Connect MRR and churn to the source

HYROS tracks subscriptions, but also cancels, upgrades, refunds and downgrades. It then attributes these clearly to the traffic sources responsible.

See what sources are driving your biggest MRR gains at the lowest cost. See what sources are giving you your highest churning customers.

Attach MRR and churn to the very ad or link that
generated the customer!

Forecasting Revenue

Upload & use your existing data to predict advertising ROI in real time

HYROS lets you upload your existing billing data to instantly get accurate sales and MRR forecasting.

This lets you predict the revenue of every new sale that enters the business WHILE connecting it to traffic source that generated it.

All in one easy dashboard.

Upload & use your existing data to predict advertising ROI in real time
Detect and predict revenue at the source

Detect and predict revenue at the source

Don’t just look at the upfront revenue from Facebook, Google or a social media campaign.

Properly see the accurate FUTURE revenue your efforts will generate in forms of MRR and ARR and TOTAL long term customer value.

DEMO, Call Customer Deal & And Pipeline Tracking

Plug directly in to your
deal flow stack

HYROS syncs with all common demo/call booking, deal flow and pipeline management systems in seconds.

See the results of traffic at the deal stage level

Don't just see what sources generated demos or calls. See the results of sources based on YOUR custom deal flow system and stages.

See based on call attendance, deal proposal and have your entire funnel results attributed by sources.

Track from the first click to
close even for the longest
sales cycles

HYROS will track from the first click to the close and after regardless of
time span.

If a person clicks and takes 6 months to close, you will see every click, call booking and revenue generated all attributed back to the original source.




1 week



6 months

Repeated Sale


2 years

Repeated Sale




Attribute deal flow behavior at the source

Attribute deal flow behavior at the source

See if certain sources are delivering no shows or unqualified customers.
See if sources are failing consistently at certain steps of your flow.

Also see what sources have the BEST qualified customers who engage best with your funnel. Fix the gaps in the losers and enhance the winners!

See what traffic sources generate the most closed deals and deal size

Completed deals are what matters. HYROS does not just attribute closed deals and revenue back to the source. It also will track proposal size, deal closing ratios and even the long term renewals/LTV of the customer over time AFTER the deal is closed.

Be next.
We can plug you
in today

Book a 5 set up call below. If your ads don’t scale you don’t pay

The software is essential if you want to get a handle on where your ad spend is making good returns for you.

Custom conversions, customer journeys and reporting dashboards

Full Customer Journeys

See every step your customer took BEFORE and AFTER becoming a customer.



07:20 PM

Add clicked



07:25 PM

Call booked



07:30 PM

Purchased $499.99



07:35 PM

Upgraded plan

Set custom conversions based on interactions in your software

Use our deep API to hook customer behavior triggers into HYROS. For example attach onboarding triggers and success rates back to the original source!

Set custom conversions based on interactions in your software Set custom conversions based on interactions in your software Set custom conversions based on interactions in your software Set custom conversions based on interactions in your software

Build the ultimate SaaS reporting dashboard

Uses our flexible and customization dashboard system to create a pinnacle traffic reporting SaaS dashboard with YOUR most important stats.

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Build the ultimate SaaS reporting dashboard Build the ultimate SaaS reporting dashboard

Plug into your current reporting systems

HYROS has a wildly flexible and easy to use API that lets you send all your data to whatever reporting systems or CRM you currently use. If you so choose you can get all your data and attribution ANYWHERE you want without even having to log into our dashboard











Google data studio

Google data studio



Has made such a huge difference in the GC camp. Has Helped us really see what’s really going on.

Grant Cardone

#1 sales and marketing trainer in the world

Local Agency

How Is HYROS Different?

HYROS is not for everyone. HYROS is for the most SERIOUS of ad buyers when accuracy & depth of reporting counts on LARGE ad spends. HYROS is for large complex traffic
& marketing operations. HYROS is more than just an attribution & forecasting tool.
We partner with your business and help you grow with our concierge 1 to 1 support and glove like custom fit to YOUR business.

1 to 1

1 to 1

When you join HYROS you are assigned a direct analyst who understands YOUR business model, tracking challenges AND will assist you in using the data to grow.

Pinnacle Accuracy. Deepest Reporting.

Pinnacle Accuracy. Deepest Reporting.

In head to head test HYROS consistently provides the highest level of accuracy. Our reporting then gives the deepest level of analysis. We have a 90 day guarantee to let you run us against any other software to prove it.

High End Mega Data Focus

High End Mega Data Focus

HYROS SPECIALIZES in extremely complex traffic and marketing situations. HYROS thrives at connecting huge traffic volumes across multiple ad platforms, marketing channels and situations large brands face.

Call Funnels

Be next. We can plug you in today

Book a 5 set up call below. If your ads don’t scale you don’t pay